12 step recovery program for codependency?

From God's will for us and him. With so many characteristics present in all five patterns of codependency, knowing where to start treatment can seem daunting. However, Co-Dependents Anonymous offers a comprehensive 12-step recovery program. It focuses not only on surviving life, as codependents have learned to do before, but on learning to enjoy life.

CoDA members who adhere to the 12 steps commit to participating in the following Twelve Promises. We strive to provide information, tools and resources to work on a 12-step program (or any program that uses 12-step principles for recovery) in the simplest and most effective way possible. Step 12 recommends serving and working with others, which reduces self-centeredness and improves compassion. Co-Dependents Anonymous is a program that offers a scholarship to men and women in recovery from codependency who want to end their codependency and develop healthy relationships.

Co-Dependents Anonymous, or CoDA for short, is a 12-step recovery program based on Alcoholics Anonymous. There is no right or wrong way regarding how you work during your recovery, as long as you follow the steps. People don't understand the 12-step recovery process unless they have participated in a 12-step program. Steps 10, 11, and 12 are called maintenance steps and it is recommended that they begin early in the recovery.

For a history of the 12 steps and in-depth analysis and exercises to work on each, get my e-book, Spiritual Transformation in the Twelve Steps. Although many people can struggle with the effects of codependency, you can break free from your bonds by taking careful and conscious steps toward recovery.